2024-2025 Scholarship Recipients

Paige Campbell, Kinesiology; Shelby Galipeau, Molecular Biology; Isabelle Hervey, Teaching; Tara Judkins, Ecological Engineering; Kaitlyn Kim, Biochemistry and Innovation Management; Camryn Lau, Nutrition; Marlenne Mendoza, BioHealth Sciences; Connor Moran, Biology; ​​​​​​​Haeli Rowland, Tourism, Recreation and Adventure Leadership; ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Shayla Spiva, Agriculture Sciences and Sustainability.

​​​​​​​To learn more about OSURA's 2024-25 scholarship recipients, click here.

2023-2024 Scholarship Recipients

Denna Nour Alnasser, Public Health; Emily Bourne, Kinesiology; Skylar Diteman, Dietetics; Olivia Hulbert, Public Health; Duc (Bill) Hoy Le, Supply Chain and Logistics Management; Adeline Rang, Agricultural Sciences/International Studies; Anusha Vasudevan, BioHealth Sciences.

To learn more about OSURA's 2023-24 scholarship recipients, click here.

2022-2023 Scholarship Recipients

Denna Nour Alnasser, Public Health; Caden Buck, Music; Timothy Drury, Mechanical Engineering/Sustainability; Kayleana Green, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology; Olivia Hulbert, Public Health; Amanda Mellor, BioHealth Sciences; Matthew Morgan, Computer Science; Adeline Rang, Agricultural Sciences; Anusha Vasudevan, BioHealth Sciences.

To learn more about OSURA's 2022-23 scholarship recipients, click here.

2021-2022 Scholarship Recipients

Kayleana Green, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology; Rujul Kumar, Biology/Pre-Med (Honors College); Hayleigh Middleton, Marine Biology (Honors College); Kelsey Shimoda, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (Honors College); Madelyn Smith, Computer Science (Honors College); Mara Steele, Psychology.

To learn more about OSURA's 2021-22 scholarship recipients, click here.

2020-2021 Scholarship Recipients

Maja Enger, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (Honors College); Alaina Holm, Psychology; Kyla Keller, Business Management; Hayleigh Middleton, Marine Biology (Honors College); Cheyenne Price, Kinesiology (OSU-Cascades); Cole Theobold, Nutrition

To learn more about OSURA's 2020-21 scholarship recipients, click here.

2019-2020 Scholarship Recipients

Christina Ann Cafferata, Kinesiology (Honors College); Alaina Holm, Psychology; Isabella Karabinas, Biochemistry & Molecular Biology and Psychology; Isabella Karabinas, Biochemistry & Molecular Biology and Psychology; Vincent Ngo, Biology; Jasmin Yang, Food Science and Technology and Chemistry; Alexandra Zinn, Biology (Honors College)

To learn more about OSURA's 2019-20 scholarship recipients, click here.

2018-2019 Scholarship Recipient

Phuong Nguyen, Psychology and Human Development and Family Science

To learn more about OSURA's 2018-19 scholarship recipient, click here.

2017-2018 Scholarship Recipients

Raven Waldron, BioResource Research; Jessica Roland, Bioresource Research; Dang Duong, Pre-Med Microbiology; Trevor Nash, Integrative Biology (Honors College); Nadjalisse Reynolds-Lallement, Biochemistry and Biophysics (Honors College); and Elise Whisler, Kinesiology

2016-2017 Scholarship Recipients

Ivana Dang, Biochemistry and Biophysics; Lindsey Ferguson, Zoology with a pre-veterinary concentration (Honors College); Kelli Hoang, BioHealth Sciences/Pre- Pharmacy option with minors in Chemistry and Spanish; Stephanie Krautscheid, BioHealth Sciences/Pre-Pharmacy option with minor in Chemistry; Nadjialisse Reynolds-Lallement, Biochemistry and Biophysics (Honors College); and Hannah Valesano, Exercise and Sports Science.

To learn more about OSURA's 2016-17 scholarship recipients, click here.

2015-2016 Scholarship Recipients

Stephanie Zhao, Biology (Honors College); Briana Frink, Chemical Engineering with a Pre-Med option (Honors College); Stefan Herrenbruck, College of Business and College of Agricultural Sciences; Duy Nguyen, Computer Science (Honors College), minors in Mathematics and Psychology; and Zach Goode, Biochemistry and Biophysics (Honors College).

To learn more about OSURA's 2015-16 scholarship recipients, click here.

2014-2015 Scholarship Recipients

Nicholas Agalzoff Bioengineering (Honors College) student; Erika Sawka Nutrition, certificate Medical Humanities (Honors College); minors in Chemistry and Spanish student; Olivia Fidler Dietetics and Pre-Nursing; minor in French student; Amy Walters Exercise & Sports Science (Honors College) student; Sarah Jacobi Exercise & Sports Science (Occupational Therapy Option) and an International Degree (Honors College) student; Wes Brown Bioresource Research and International Studies (Honors College); minors in Chemistry and Spanish; Roy Arnold, Scholarship Chair.

To learn more about OSURA's 2014-2015 scholarship recipients, click here.

2013-2014 Scholarship Recipients

Deepthika Ennamuri Biochemistry/Biophysics (Honors College); minor Psychology student; Alexander Boyd Pre-Pharmacy (Honors College) student; Claire Ostertag-Hill Biology, International Studies in Biology, Psychology (Honors College) and minor Chemistry student; David Shumway Biology, certificate Medical Humanities (Honors College) student; Kaitlyn Traynor General Science (Pre Dentistry), minor Chemistry student;

To learn more about OSURA's 2013-14 scholarship recipients, click here.

2012-2013 Scholarship Recipients

Alejandra Marquez Loza, Bio Resources Research student; Minhazur Sarker, Microbiology (Honors College) student; Elizabeth J. Ragan, Anthropology-Biocultural Option, Public Health student; Jackson Olson Dougan, Biology-Chemistry-International Studies in Biology (Honors College) student; and Katie Vaughn, Interior Design student.

To learn more about OSURA's 2012-13 scholarship recipients, click here.

2011-2012 Scholarship Recipients

Anthony Amsberry, pre-Mechanical Engineering program (Honors College); Kyle Ireton, Biochemistry and Biophysics with minors in Spanish and Chemistry (Honors College); Linda Nguyen, General Science; and Victor Tran, pre-Pharmacy major with a minor in Anthropology

To learn more about OSURA's 2011-12 scholarship recipients, click here.

2010-2011 Scholarship Recipients

Christopher Betzing, Radiation Health Physics and Biochemistry/Biophysics, with a minor in Spanish; and Ben Kong, Pharmacy.

To learn more about OSURA's 2010-11 scholarship recipients, click here.

2009-2010 Scholarhip Recipents

Josh Huhndorf, Health Management and Policy; Yun Soo Chung, Chemistry (Honors College); and Heather Hodnett, Exercise and Sports Science.

To learn more about OSURA's 2009-10 scholarship recipients, click here.

2007-2008 Scholarship Recipients

Daniel Bai, Biochemistry and Biophysics (Honors College); Cathy Couey, Human Development and Family Science with an option in Gerontology; and May Beth Heininge; Human Development Family Science with a Gerontology option.

To learn more about OSURA's 2007-08 scholarship recipients, click here.