Program Committee: plans campus and other tours, organizes attendance at cultural activities (theatre or concerts) and group attendance at athletic events.
Co-Chairs: Tony Amandi and Larry Pribyl
Recruitment and Welcome Committee: tracks and recruits members and helps members stay connected.
Chair: Mary Burke
Communication Committee: helps develop the newsletter, publicizes OSURA events, and monitors the website.
Chair: Elizabeth Webb
Scholarships Committee: includes all activities related to awarding the OSURA scholarship to deserving students.
Chair: Kevin Ahern
Member Services Committee: provides information and organizes programs on retirement issues, including pensions, medical benefits, wellness, financial issues and investment plans; advocates for access to campus facilities and services.
Chair: Jaga Giebultowics
Volunteer Committee: finds, advertises and organizes volunteer efforts at OSU events.
Travel Share Interest Group: provides opportunities to hear about interesting travel experiences and to share ideas for successful traveling.
Chair: Rose Kenneke
OSURA’s activities – the service, tours, programs, student scholarships and interest groups – are only possible with help from members like you. The OSURA board relies on members to plan and conduct our activities. Please consider joining a committee by emailing [email protected].